Your land comes with a 100% Satisfaction, 45-Day, Money-Back Guarantee!
When you work with us, it won’t take long for you to pick up on the idea that we’re not about gimmicks. We’re about sitting down at the table and finding the best piece of land to suit your needs. We then work as hard as we can to make the process clean and easy. That’s our promise to you and we stand by it with an unmatched guarantee.
We believe in land so much that we offer our Peace-of-Mind-Guarantee. When you buy from Hanna Land Ventures you get our 100% principal back, 100 day guarantee. If you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund your principal paid* or exchange the property for any other land in our portfolio.
That’s how much we believe in our land.
This deeply held belief comes from me, Kimberly Hanna, founder of Hanna Land Ventures